Looking for ideas for a better practice merge solution

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Looking for ideas for a better practice merge solution

Post by spolevoy » Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:14 am

Recently, I took over a small practice of a retiring dentist.
We merged his practice into mine, and he closed his office.
I wanted to keep his patients separate somehow so I can easily run reports on ROI, create targeted mailings, etc.
OD conversion team suggested creating 2 separate clinics.

So far, this has not worked as well I hoped.

My production on the seller's patient is listed under me. I can't seem to find a report that would show me how much I produced and collected on "his" patients.
3rd party programs are having a problem understanding it's one location. YAPI and LocalMed are both malfunctioning.

So I am thinking maybe it's not the right solution.
All I want is to be able to run a Prod/Coll report on his patients, and to be able to mail to them specifically.
Any suggestions?

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Re: Looking for ideas for a better practice merge solution

Post by dgraffeo » Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:46 am

Our reports typically have breakdown based on clinic. If you create two clinics, you also need to make sure you assign patients to the correct clinic. The patients from the retiring dentist should be assigned to the clinic you made for the retiring dentist, while your patients should be assigned to your clinic. Historical information, if you wish to see it separated, also needs to be assigned to one clinic or the other. Going forward, with patients assigned to the correct clinics, information should be separated out for you when reports are run. In most (if not all) reports, things are broken down based on clinic, so it would let you see the totals based off of the two clinics (his patients versus your patients). Additionally you can select a clinic in the dropdown menu when choosing what information to run for the report to filter out one or the other clinic.
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Re: Looking for ideas for a better practice merge solution

Post by spolevoy » Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:00 am

Hi David,

His patients are assigned to his clinic - but when I run a daily report, all of my production is assigned to my clinic, even on his patients.

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Re: Looking for ideas for a better practice merge solution

Post by dgraffeo » Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:33 pm

Hmm well, it is difficult to troubleshoot over the forums here. There could be many issues such as the payments being made to the wrong clinic or historical information affecting the reports. I would suggest giving us a call at 503-363-5432 and one of our techs could probably figure it out in short order.
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Re: Looking for ideas for a better practice merge solution

Post by bpcomp » Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:31 pm

Perhaps it wouldn't be a good fit, but what if you create a custom patient field and custom queries based on that flag. In our office I created a short call list custom patient field and then a query like

Code: Select all

SELECT  p.PatNum, LEFT(WkPhone,16) AS WkPhone, LEFT(HmPhone,16) AS HmPhone, LEFT(WirelessPhone,16) AS CellPhone
FROM  patient p 
INNER JOIN patfield pf ON pf.PatNum=p.PatNum
pf.fieldname like '%Short Call List%'
and pf.fieldvalue like '1'
GROUP BY pf.PatNum;
This returns a list of all the patients that we have checked the short call list box on.

It should be relatively easy to create a field for patients from other practice and then all queries are run with fieldvalue like '1' or fieldvalue like '0'. This lets you separate out the different patients and then then remove those qualifiers and you get reports for the whole practice with all patients from both offices.

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Re: Looking for ideas for a better practice merge solution

Post by rhaber123 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:06 pm

I am not sure if this will work for you.

The old fashioned way. I did that over 20 years ago.
Create 2 data bases on 2 separate computers at the front desk, a laptop and a desktop.

1- laptop: one database for the OLD practice (SELLER) that has all the seller patients info, and you can set their balances to zero or to any balance that they may have
here you post treatment and payments done for the seller patients only

2- desktop: and the second database is for your patients. (you may already have that)
here you post treatments and payments done for your patients

I had to do that when I purchased a practice and I purchased the account receivables too.
It is basically like creating 2 clinics

the staff just had to use a different computer depending on the patient that walks through the door
physically, it was easier for the staff to remember what to do

Slowly, there will be no need for the seller database, Od team are very good at combining both databases into a single data base later (lets say after one year)
discuss it with them first


OD tech support helped me with the data conversion and kept the seller treatments and info, but set all the balances to ZERO
OD team is excellent at doing that, and its worth every penny spent there
Give them a call and they will assist you.
They are VERY helpful

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Re: Looking for ideas for a better practice merge solution

Post by mafiaxxx » Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:00 am

Dr Habers solution is one way to go.
Short Circuited Computer Services
Medical and Dental Computer Techs.

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