Splitting insurance checks and changing report numbers

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Splitting insurance checks and changing report numbers

Post by hjoesaar » Sat Feb 06, 2010 5:51 am

We've just discovered the "Split Claim" button. For those who don't know, if insurance pays most of a claim you can split it into paid and unpaid claims. Then, you can amend and resubmit the unpaid claim.
HOWEVER, for four years we haven't done that. Apparently, we've left the claim as unpaid then created a new claim if needed. Then we would post a payment to that claim. It's interesting how staff create solutions - what other "solutions" are they doing that I'm unaware of?
My question is this - Our previous collection numbers change. When I closed 2009 on December 31st, I had a collections report. On January 4, my collections numbers for 2009 had changed (slightly). Could the above situation cause that? Thanks.

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Re: Splitting insurance checks and changing report numbers

Post by jordansparks » Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:25 am

It depends on how you "close" the year. If you set the global lock date, nothing will change.
Jordan Sparks, DMD

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