Internet Update Proccess

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Internet Update Proccess

Post by evdokimosk » Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:57 am

Is it possible to explain the Internet service that is responsible for the auto update of the OpenDental

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Post by jordansparks » Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:27 am

Sure. We built it. We plan on posting the source code in case other resellers want to provide the service to their customers. We also plan to create a web page to describe the new functionality. In short, everyone gets a registration key now, even users in foreign countries. When you push the update button, it sends that registration key to our server. Our server passes data back to the user which allows them to update. Our server tracks all update attempts, providing a number of advantages.
1. We know what version each office is on.
2. We can prevent abuse of the update process.
3. Easier for customer, since they no longer need to call when they want to update.
4. We will be able to display certain data to a customer when they update. One example might be to notify a customer what their current balance is. Another example might be to alert customer to a particular bug in the version they are using, giving them more encouragement to continue with the update process. We are only limited here by our imagination. This could turn into a full-blown user interface where enhancement requests are made, payments are arranged, or whatever.

The biggest limitation of the current code in my mind is that we can't change the address of the web service without recompiling. It would be much better if we had a box where the user could change the address. That means that if you want to provide this service, you will have to add some code and recompile. Not ideal. But it's a start.
Jordan Sparks, DMD

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Post by sparkly » Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:42 pm

because you know we hate to call your office and bother you for a silly update code when you're all frantically coding away...

thanks!!!! :D

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