ApptReminderRules.SendReminders is removed

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ApptReminderRules.SendReminders is removed

Post by mopensoft » Thu Jan 05, 2017 3:12 am

Hi guys

I found that the code to send auto reminder has been removed, or moved to internal repository. Is it possible to put it back or any suggestion to send reminder from the public source code?


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Re: ApptReminderRules.SendReminders is removed

Post by jsalmon » Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:29 pm

With several bug fixes and enhancements that we needed to make to our auto reminder system we had to move it into our web core so that it has close access to our eConnector system so that it could be more integrated with our eServices as a whole. It had to change so much and needed access to deeper eService things that we cannot bring it back out because it would be too much work.

My only suggestion would be to create your own "reminder rule" table that your sending thread can use to make decisions on when to automatically send the reminders because our reminder system is getting rather complicated and is growing at a rapid rate which makes it difficult to utilize our set up tables like ApptReminderRule. You could even do things like taking over the eReminder and eConfirmation Setup Wizard button to launch your own forms so that the experience for your users feels integrated.
The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.

Jason Salmon
Open Dental Software

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