VOIP or Landline - SMART CALLER ID - $120 one time only

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VOIP or Landline - SMART CALLER ID - $120 one time only

Post by rhaber123 » Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:37 pm

VOIP or Landline - Know who is calling and place Calls from inside OD - SMART CALLER ID

Just a one time cost of $120 , and no more charges after.

It works with regular landline or VOIP. There is no need to change your phone service or provider.

Open Dental (OD) has the option to ad a Program Link. We can ad a command prompt to place calls from inside OD, you need:
1- Callclerck Software/application $80
2- Modem that you can buy from EBAY $20-$40
Works with VOIP or a Land lines - It integrates with OD

When someone calls , you get a pop up that shows the caller name, the caller phone number, and a photo of the caller
on all the computers where callclerk is installed , and you can call your patients from them too
(The photo of the caller is available if the caller has a Gmail account)


You can place calls to the patients directly from inside OD with just few clicks
All what you have to do is SELECT a patient, or pick a patient from the schedule, and click on "call patients" button


No fancy reports, because OD provide its own great reports, Recalls, Account balance, Insurance info, etc.... and they are just few clicks away,
as my receptionist always say: " I can do it, OD is very easy to use"
But it has a lot of its own extra features.
Enable dialing directly from Internet Explorer, Google, Firefox, Excel Spreadsheet, etc....

You must have Caller ID service/feature from your phone company


Software : CALLCLERK Small Business Package ($79) - from http://www.callclerk.com/index.html
Hardware: 1 or 2 USB modems from Ebay at $20/modem - http://www.callclerk.com/phone/hlpCallClerkModems.html
- do not buy any USB modem, some do not work - I got the USB HIRO MODEM and was OK , this one is voice capable.
- my desktop computers had modems installed on the motherboard, 2 of them worked fine too.
But be sure that your modem is voice capable and can play or record .wav files if you want to place calls from your PC.

You can download the CALLCLERK software and try it for 30 days for free - Very good Support too.
When you receive a call , a pop up window will pop and tell you who is calling, on all of the computers on your network where CallClerk is installed.
I got three USB modems:
- one for line 1 and plugged it on my receptionist computer
- and the 2nd modem for line 2 and plugged it on my office computer,
- and the 3rd modem for line 3 and plugged it on the lab computer
(You can put your modems on any computer that is connected to your network)



1- Hardware: Plug your modem in the USB port and be sure that Windows device manager can find it
2-Software : download CALLCLERK Small Business Package ($79) - from http://www.callclerk.com/index.html

Run Callclerck and activate its features through Callclerck Panel
Click on "Modem" and confirm that it is connected


3- Add ccDialHelper app to Open Dental folder:
go to CallClerck folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\CallClerk and copy the application ccDialHelper , ( not the .dll file)
and paste it in Open Dental folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\Open Dental , on every workstation that you want it to dial out and has Callclerk installed on it.
this app use the computer modem to dial out.

4- Open Dental (OD) has the option to ad a Program Link. We can ad a command prompt to place calls from inside OD
I was able to create 3 buttons on our Schedule, and I called them "Call Cell" - "Call Home" - "Call Work"


Main menu - Setup- Program Links - add
1- Text on Button: Call Cell
Local path override: ccDialHelper
Optional command line argument: dial=[WirelessPhone]

Main menu - Setup- Program Links - add
2- Text on Button: Call Home
Local path override: ccDialHelper
Optional command line argument: dial=[HmPhone]

Main menu - Setup- Program Links - add
3- Text on Button: Call Work
Local path override: ccDialHelper
Optional command line argument: dial=[WkPhone]

5- Remember : in CallClerk main Control Panel / Settings activate the option to "Dial out"
5- Remember : in CallClerk main Control Panel / Settings activate the option to "Dial out"


All what we have to do now is SELECT a patient, or pick a patient from the schedule, and click on "call patients" button, and callclerk will use the landline to call the patient cell number.
My receptionist can use our regular desktop phone and continue the conversation. She does not have to use a computer headphone, although this is an option.


6- Ad your patients cell numbers to CallClerk Phone Directory.

Call clerck has a directory that allows you to import your patients phone numbers from Google Contacts, from Outlook, or from a CSV file.
Import this data into Callclerck as "FAMILIAR"

A - Export Your patient list from Open Dental

In Open Dental, Run the Query below to create a list of all your patients first and last name, emails and phone numbers, etc......

SELECT patient.LName AS 'Last Name', patient.FName AS 'First Name',
patient.HmPhone AS 'Home Phone', patient.WkPhone AS 'Business Phone',
patient.WirelessPhone AS 'Mobile Phone'
FROM patient WHERE PatStatus = '0'

and export your list from OD to a .txt file.

B- Ad your patients cell numbers to Google Contacts
In Google Contacts import your .txt file.

Personally I like to export it to google contacts because we use gmail, google calendar for scheduling, etc... but you can export it to a CSV file if you want

C- Import this data into Callclerck as "Familiar"

follow the photo below


CALLCLERK has many many other options that you can explore on their website, or when you download the trial version.


Know who is calling and place CALLS from inside OD using your VOIP or your office LANDLINE:

1- From inside OD, Select a patient and click "CALL" to call the patient from your main office regular landline or VOIP line,
there is no need to change your existing lines, Just plug your landline or your VOIP line in the modem, plug the modem into any USB port on your computer and run the program.
create 3 buttons on your OD Main Menu, "Call Cell" - "Call Home" - "Call Work" and place your calls

2- Smart CallerID - know who is calling before you pick up the phone
When you receive a call , a pop up window will pop and show you a picture and the phone number of the person who is calling

3- Block any unwanted calls, marketer, etc..
4- Call Log - track all inbound calls and follow-ups of missed calls
5- When you receive a call - it can RUN a specific program
6- Enable dialing directly from Internet Explorer or Firefox
7- Answering machine - Fax -
8- Record incoming or outgoing calls (for staff training purposes )
and many other features...............
Last edited by rhaber123 on Sun May 31, 2020 7:26 pm, edited 58 times in total.

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Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:31 am

Re: SMART CALLER ID - place CALLS from OD & Landline

Post by pid_user » Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:33 am

rhaber123 wrote:SMART CALLER ID - place CALLS from OD & Landline


Know who is calling
1- Smart CallerID - know who is calling before you pick up the phone
2- Call Log - track all inbound calls and follow-ups of missed calls
SmartCallerID/Call Logs are very useful tools for our clinic. It has helped us screen spam/marketing calls vs patient calls, reduced our missed calls and voice mails. Every calls gets tracked in office and provides visibility on returns for our marketing spent. We use it from http://www.HRDSQ.com, believe there few more ...Weave.

Posts: 419
Joined: Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:09 pm

Re: SMART CALLER ID - place CALLS from OD & Landline

Post by rhaber123 » Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:59 pm

"Call clerck" from http://www.callclerk.com has a one time cost of approximately $79 - and no monthly charges after that.
Other services are charging $100/month or more.
In the past, Weave charged $400-$450/month

you need to have caller ID service on your landline
Software : CALLCLERK Small Business Package ($79) - from http://www.callclerk.com/index.html
Hardware: 1 or 2 USB modems from Ebay at $20/modem - http://www.callclerk.com/phone/hlpCallClerkModems.html
A one time total cost about $120

What can CallClerk do for me? http://www.callclerk.com/

1- Select a patient and click "CALL" to call the patient from your main office landline ( VOIP possible too)
create 3 buttons on our Schedule, "Call Cell" - "Call Home" - "Call Work"
2- Smart CallerID - know who is calling before you pick up the phone. If it is an existing patient [familiar} it can show its photo if it is in OD
3- Block any unwanted calls, marketer, etc..
4- Call Log - track all inbound calls and follow-ups of missed calls
5- When you receive a call - it can RUN a specific program
6- Enable dialing directly from Internet Explorer or Firefox
7- Answering machine
8- Fax: send and receive - don't waste toner to print your faxes
9- Record incoming or outgoing calls (for staff training purposes )
10- Social Media: Callclerk can send you an e-mail, send a tweet, update your Facebook page
11- Callclerk can post to your own web-page
12- perform an internet reverse look-up, launch another program, update your personal call history and directory
13- works on any computer on the network
14- There are no additional monthly or ongoing fees, and upgrades are always free to licensed users
and many other features...............


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