IOC SNAPSHOT - Take photos and Import them in OD Automatically, $39.99 one time only

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IOC SNAPSHOT - Take photos and Import them in OD Automatically, $39.99 one time only

Post by rhaber123 » Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:45 pm


Take patient photos, Insurance card photo, Driver License photo, intra oral photos, forms photos, etc... and save them in OD Automatically, in the IMAGES folder, with almost one click.
- No need to save in different folders and import back in OD,
- $39.99 one time only
- 2 weeks free trial - ... en-dental/

Follow this Open Dental Facebook link to see the wireless option of this plugin at work, and to get more information about it. ... 774602721/ ... 4774542841

Can be used on ipad, any tablet, iphone, android cell etc....

1- Take the patient photo and save it in the Images folder automatically, in the "Patient Pictures" folder, so when you hover over the patient name you can see their photos in the appointment module. No need to save in different folders and import back in OD. All is done with almost just one click.

We got a webcam on Ebay ( good resolution) $50 - and IOC SNAPSHOT plugin $39.99 - Total $89.99
The webcam is installed and connected to the front office / receptionit computer.

When a patient arrives:
a- my receptionist run IOC snaphot, on her front desk computer
b- hold the webcam , and ask the patient to look at the webcam, and smile,
c- and she takes the picture,
The patient photo will be saved in "Photos" folder. You need to drag it and put it in the "Patient Pictures" folder

2- Can be used for intra oral photos too, take the intra oral photo and save it in the Images folder automatically, in the "Photos" folder, No need to save in different folders and import back in OD. All is done with almost just one click.
You can use almost any USB intra oral camera from Ebay, or your existing intraoral camera. It integrates with most dental intra oral cameras.

3- take photos of patient insurance card, driver license, etc... take photos of all type of forms, medical history firms, registration forms, consent forms.... and have them saved in the IMAGES folder automatically wuth just one click....

4- works on ipad, tablets, webcams, or most hardware that you already have in your office.

5- The best part is that it has a wireless option when used with an iphone, ipad, android, and canon cameras.
iphone/ipad/android/ cannon connect to your wifi network, and you download an app on your iphone/ ipad / android cellphone


6- This plugin is compatible with many dental software: Dexis, XDR, Kodak, Schick, Apteryx, Eaglesoft, Sidexis, etc....

This plugin will allow almost any camera to integrate with OD. Use almost any camera , USB webcams from Ebay, intraoral cameras, SLR Cameras, iphone cameras, android cameras, any tablet, wireless option is available too, etc...


Many Stabilizing Devices allows you to use your smart phone great cameras that are available on your iphone or android cellphone . Or just take a direct photo with your cell phone without any stabilizing device. The iphone and the Android photo quality is getting better and better these days. Now you can take wireless photos directly in the IMAGES folder in OD ... gnc7nTyH20 ... BZITRoBTeE

A cell phone is not required, you can use almost any camera that you already have , USB webcam from Ebay, etc....
but if you want to take photos with an ipad, or iphone, any tablet, you can follow the installation instructions below.

INSTALLATION ... pp=desktop

Is your iphone/ipad or android connected to a wifi extender?
Or is it connected to the main router where OD server is connected to?
Try to have them both connected to the same router, NO extender.
All hardware need to be on the same network, and the license will be active on one computer only.

1- IOC SNAPSHOT for PC, tablet, or any windows based computer, that is running Open Dental $39.99 ... gwF5zbBPkg

2- IOC SNAPSHOT app for iphone or ipad, ($39.99) , ... on9r3uG0j8

3- IOC SNAPSHOT app for Android ($0.99) Early Access, in development ... ocsnapshot

When using your iPhone, ipad, or Android to take pictures, does your iPhone have to be on the same network as the computer? How is it able to communicate and send the pic to the iocsnapshot program?

You need the cellphone and the PC computer to be on the same network connected to the same office router. The PC computer, tablet , (or any windows based computer), need to connect to the router with a network cable or wifi. And the cell will connect to the router through the router wifi
You connect your iphone/ ipad or android to your wifi network and you need to download an app on your cellphone or android , the iphone / ipad app, or the android app, for an additional charge of few dollars

Last edited by rhaber123 on Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:59 am, edited 76 times in total.

Posts: 419
Joined: Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:09 pm

Re: A FREE Open Dental Plugin to use Cameras without Twain

Post by rhaber123 » Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:26 pm

Take patient photos or intraoral photos and Import them in OD Automatically, $29.99 one time only
no need to use different folders, and import from one folder to another, etc... all is done automatically with few clicks.

Very simple to install, less than 5 minutes. ... en-dental/

Cost $29.99 one time only

1 Takes your patients picture and import it automatically into OD. Very easy to use with any USB web camera from Ebay for that purpose
2- Can be used with many Dental Intraoral cameras from most dental companies, and integrates with OD
3- Can be used with most Digital SLR Cameras and integrates with OD
4- Can be used with an iphone or android cell to download the photos automatically in OD
and many many GREAT FEATURES.
I think every OD user should try it.

Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:39 am

Re: IOC SNAPSHOT - Take photos and Import them in OD Automatically, $39.99 one time only

Post by vonore » Tue Jan 24, 2023 10:52 am

I am using an iPad mini and everything works fine except the final step in OD. For some reason, I can only get the images to import into a 2x2 mount that I created so I am limited to either one at a time or four at a time. Do you know how I can make my other mounts 3x3 and 3x2 work correctly?

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