Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

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Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Fri May 12, 2017 4:47 pm

Update: 2019

New Limitation by Google prevent you from using Google Voice for business
Google Voice no longer can be used for business.

For the Plugin to work, you need a phone number.
As the free Google voice can not be used for business,
You can still use the Mopensoft SMS plugin now with an android cellphone instead of Google Voice,

We use an android cell phone with the the mopensoft SMS plugin to text our patients, $89/yr
1- we use it with Diafaan software for texting on multiple computer ,
2- or can be used with Remote Desktop app for use on one computer,


We still use the Mopensoft SMS plugin for almost 3 years now.
We send the SMS from inside OD, and the replies are posted in the patient chart too.

Very critical

1- What version of OD are you using?
2- Be sure you are picking, from Mopensoft webpage, the right version of the plugin that matches your OD version, otherwise you will get an error message

Before you purchase any services, download the trial version, and you have 30 days for testing.
After 30 days, you need to delete the plugin.

Google Voice no longer work for business.


Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice
cost of Mopensoft plugin $89/yr + free Google Voice = $7.42/month for unlimited texting, text and photos, sending and receiving
They offer 30 days free trial period

1- Getting a Google Voice (GV) Telephone number is free for anyone in the US or Canada.
Calling and Texting in the US and Canada is free too.
With this small plugin, most of Open Dental Features are now available through Google Voice , and you do not have to pay per text message sent or received, ALL IS FREE.

Mopensoft charges a License fee: $89/year . I think it is a very reasonable fee for one year.
THAT'S IT !!!!

2- We forward the GV number to our office number, so any patient that receives the text message and calls us back, we answer them normally and they do not know that this is a google voice telephone number, but we tell them that this is an additional phone number that we use in our practice.
If a patient text back responding to our text:
a) we use Hangout Desktop Notification,
b) and we receive that text in our gmail email,
c) or it can be forwarded to your office email easily.

Once you sign up for Google Voice, you will be surprised of how many nice features are available through GV.

This is a very reasonable option. You do not need to buy any equipment. Just sign up to Google Voice, do the setup, and you are up and running.
Minh at Mopensoft worked with me and helped me when needed. He is located in Melbourne, Australia.


go to , click on the 30 days trial "link"

1- Files to Download:
a- download the "Required DLLs", unzip the folder and place all the files in your OD folder (C / program files (x86)/OpenDental) ... ?dl=0&lst=

Very critical

- What version of OD are you using?
- Be sure you are picking, from Mopensoft webpage, the right version of the plugin that matches your OD version, otherwise you will get an error message

b- download the "Plugin File" (mopensoft.odplugins.sms.dll )that matches your OD version: ... ?dl=0&lst=
+ delete the version number at the end of the plugin, it means rename the plugin to: mopensoft.odplugins.sms.dll
+ and place it again in your OD folder (C / program files(x86)/OpenDental)

*** You must have one of the newest version of OD 14.3 or higher for this to work, it will not work with the older versions of OD

2- Open Dental Setup
o Launch OpenDental
o Go to Setup\Program links
o Click the button "Add" to add new program link
o Enter this information
Description: Mopensoft
Enabled: check
plug-in dll name: mopensoft.odplugins.sms.dll
text on button: Text Patients

Additional Properties will not show up when you first add the plugin. You need to restart OpenDental to be able to see and edit "Additional Properties"
After you quit Open dental and come back to Set up / Program links / Mopensoft/ , now you can enter the Google Voice properties, it means your user name, password, etc...

change the following properties:
- “mOpenSMS provider” to GOOGLEVOICE
- “mOpenSMS username” to google voice account ie.
- “mOpenSMS password” to google voice password ie. abcdef

MOPENSOFT manual has more details about how to use the plugin, ... l.pdf?dl=0

In few cases, Some firewall programs may block OpenDental from sending SMS, if you disable it and it works, it means you need to give permission to OD inside the firewall



When the trial period end or If your license expire, OD will stop working. You will get a message that you need to buy a license. DO NOT WORRY.
Just follow the instructions below to remove or disable this plugin:

1- On your workstation, go to C/program files (x86)/OpenDental .... look for this plugin: mopensoft.odplugins.sms.dll
just delete the plug in or rename it, and Open Dental will work without any problem. (or Cut it and Paste it into another folder)

2- Or if any other computer is working, in Open Dental, just go to SETUP/Program Links
find the plugin name, click on it, and disable it

3- To buy a license, follow this link,, provide your info, and you will be contacted


Google Hangouts- FREE Google Voice Desktop Notification

I would like also to share wih you GV HANGOUT Notification - FREE Google Voice desktop extension for Google Chrome

So now we are able to send SMS Text messages from inside Open Dental.
- we send a text from Open Dental
- When the patient REPLY to our text message, we use "GV HANGOUT Notification" to continue a conversation with the patient and to send another text message
- GV HANGOUT Notification can also be used to call the patient back

When the patient reply to an SMS, HANGOUT small Notification window open on the desktop in the lower right corner accompanied with a sound alert too,
very similar to the way you are notified when you receive a text message on your cellphone.

How to install GV HANGOUT Notification extension for Google Chrome:
This youtube link shows you how to set it up in google chrome
How to set desktop notifier for gmail and hangout by chrome special feature
Chrome Webstore ... ions?hl=en ... anaoiihapd

You can text regular messages, send and receive photos too.





GV HANGOUT Notification will show you the name of the person texting you if you have that person name in your Google Voice Contacts

How to ad your patients cell numbers to Google Voice Contacts:
- In Open Dental, Run a Query to create a list of all your patients.

Code: Select all

SELECT patient.LName AS 'Last Name', patient.FName AS 'First Name', 
patient.HmPhone AS 'Home Phone', patient.WkPhone AS 'Business Phone', 
patient.WirelessPhone AS 'Mobile Phone', patient.Email AS 'E-mail Address'
FROM patient WHERE PatStatus = '0'
- Export your list to a .txt file.

- In Google Contacts import your .txt file.


The easy part is done now. The hard part is " the receptionists UPDATING the cell numbers" everytime a patient calls or walks in the office


MOPENSOFT manual has more details about how to use the plugin, ... l.pdf?dl=0

The STANDARD text message template is already in OD, and you can modify it as needed, it pulls information directly from Opendental such as patient name and appointment times
In the Main Menu, click Setup, Appointments, Recall.
SCROLL to the bottom of the page , TEXT, to change the preset text message

I have the following message preset now:
[NameF], Confirming your dental appointment on [date] at [time]. reply "CONFIRM" or if you need to reschedule, call us at (123) 456-7890 or go to our 24/7 online scheduling webpage

We use it also for daily confirmation to all patients who has an appointment on a specific day:
pick the list of patients, and click on the "text" icon

All is already done by OD, but you will use Google voice number to send and receive the text messages
and GV Notifier to get the pop up flashing alert when a message is received and to continue a conversation

After you install the plugin, and when you click on the new icon that the plug in creates, and in the the new pop up screen "SendSMS"
you have the option to ADD preset messages. Below are some of the messages we have preset.

1- New Patient Message:
Print out the new patients forms from Filling them out and bringing them with you will allow us to attend to your dental needs more quickly, Our address 12345 Hello St City. For your convenience, a metered parking lot is available at xyz Blvd. We look forward to meeting you!

2 - Cancelled Appointment:
To reschedule, call us at 123 456 789 or go to our 24/7 online scheduling web page http://www.docyor/online.htm

3- New Patient Xrays:
I f you had Xrays taken in the last 6-12 months, please have them emailed to us . To :

4- Missed Dental Appointment:
Hope you are OK. Today you missed your dental appointment. Reply " CALL ME" or if you need to reschedule, call us at (123) 456-7890 or go to our 24/7 online scheduling webpage

5-New Patient Online booking:
Hello, we received your online request for a dental appointment. We tried to reach you but we were unsuccessful . Please call our office at your convenience to confirm your appointment. Tel: 123-456-789


We use it also to send a daily "Happy Birthday " text message. Our patients like it when they receive a "Happy Birthday" text message on their birthday.
The plugin find automatically those patients who have a birthday on that specific day and text them the message that is preset in OD ,
the message that is preset to be printed on the mailing post card.

It also has the option to send a text message " receipt" when the patient makes a payment and we post the payment in the patient account. But we do not use that option.
We have been using it for over a year now and we are very happy
Text messaging is a must for any dental practice.
As a personal preference: we try to avoid using it for financial or very personal treatment. mainly we use it for appointments scheduling and confirmations
People do not reply to a voice message left, but if you text them, you get a response almost immediately

I have no affiliation with Mopensoft. I am just a user that has been using many of his plugin for few years now, and I have received and I have received a very affordable and good service.
Last edited by rhaber123 on Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:46 pm, edited 19 times in total.

Posts: 419
Joined: Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:09 pm

Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Thu Nov 07, 2019 9:40 pm

Google Voice no longer work for SMS for business.
New Limitation by Google voice prevent you from using the mopensoft plugin
Before you purchase any services, download the trial version, and you have 30 days for testing.
After 30 days, you need to delete the plugin.

We still use the Mopensoft SMS plugin for almost 3 years now.
We send the SMS from inside OD, and the replies are posted in the patient chart too.

But we use an android cellphone, and Diafaan software, with Mopensoft SMS plugin, for few years now

We use the SMS plugin to text our patients, $89/yr
(we use it with Diafaan for texting on multiple computer , or can be used with Remote Desktop app for use on one computer, viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6450)

Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:49 pm

Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by TiffanyCPA » Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:23 am

Resolved - thanks, Minh :)
Last edited by TiffanyCPA on Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 419
Joined: Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:09 pm

Re: Free Text Messaging in OD by using Google Voice

Post by rhaber123 » Tue Apr 21, 2020 12:38 pm

New Limitation by Google prevent you from using Google Voice for business - Google Voice no longer work for business.

As the google Voice option is limited by google now, You can use this plugin with an android cellphone :
Text Messaging and call from inside OD for users in any country - $89/year ... &t=6450

Very critical

1- What version of OD are you using?
2- Be sure you are picking, from Mopensoft webpage, the right version of the plugin that matches your OD version, otherwise you will get an error message

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