Newsletters, Email Marketing, AB BulkMailer $25 one time only

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Newsletters, Email Marketing, AB BulkMailer $25 one time only

Post by rhaber123 » Fri Nov 08, 2019 9:49 am

We use AB bulk Mailer. Cost $25 , one time only, and no more charges after that.
It extract emails from any list that you export from OD.
It allows you also to design your own newsletters
You can extract the first name of your patient, Last Name, etc... and send personalized emails.

You can run this query to get the email addresses of ALL the active patients, export it into Excel, and import it into AB Bulk Mailer or any other Email marketing service :
SELECT FName, Lname, EMail, Birthdate, WirelessPhone FROM patient WHERE PatStatus=0 ORDER BY LName, FName;

export it as an excel sheet,
Import it into AB Bulkmailer ,
Design yor personalized emails and send them.

Remember that your email provider might penalize you, and block you if you send more than 500 emails per day.
If you have more than 500 patients, you can use multiple office email addresses from inside AB Bulkmailer, so you will not get penalized if you send more than 500 emails.

Has many many other options too
We use it for our special offers ,
Free Bleaching,
Holiday Greetings,
End of year newsletter,
special promotions,
Inform our patients about our online booking system,
Inform our patients about our SMS texting options, etc....

A great tool for a great price

We use OD queries to export a list of our patients as an excel document.
AB Bulkmailer will extract the name of the patients, emails, etc ... and save them for future use
Now we can send personalized emails
We can design our own newsletters too

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