New API Request for all patients aging balance

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New API Request for all patients aging balance

Post by shripati.ukirde » Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:34 pm

Hi Team,

We need a way to show the current family aging balance. We noticed that Open Dental stores this information in a table, but that table is only updated in certain cases. We would like to display that data to the user, but we would need a way to get what it would show if the calculation for that were run right now, using the latest data.

There is a already one api to get Aging for patient which is returning data for only one Patient Accountmodules GET Aging

We need endpoint get all patients aging in one api call. For that we found one report API endpoint but not sure that we can use to get correct aging for patients API Reports

Could you please suggest if report api endpoint we can use or Can we create new api endpoint for that same?

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Re: New API Request for all patients aging balance

Post by SLeon » Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:12 am

Good morning,

Both of the API methods you mention calculate and update account balances before returning. If you want to get the aging data for a family you can either:
  • Run AccountModules GET Aging for each member of the family. (Recommended)
  • Run Reports GET Aging and parse out only the patients in the family.
If you only need the total patient balances for a family (and not the aging specifics) you can use AccountModules GET PatientBalances. This method also calculates and updates the account balances before returning.

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Re: New API Request for all patients aging balance

Post by shripati.ukirde » Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:22 pm

Hello SLeon

Thanks for update on this. I have one more question for mapping report fields with aging api response

Could you please help me to map below fields
Aging api response fields with report api fields are we will not get those fields
InsEst -> InsWoEst + InsPayEst or not related to this?
EstBal -> PatientPortion or not related to this?
PatEstBal -> ?


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Re: New API Request for all patients aging balance

Post by SLeon » Thu Nov 09, 2023 9:11 am

AccountModules GET Aging returns the same information found in the Aging grid at the top of the Account Module. From the Account Module page of our manual:
Ins Est: Displays expected insurance payments for the entire family (estimated insurance payments + estimated write-offs). This number only updates when a claim has been created or received.

Est Bal (bold red): The total remaining balance for the family after subtracting pending insurance amounts and write-offs. (Total - InsEst = Est Bal)

Pat Est Bal: The selected patient's balance after subtracting pending insurance amounts and write-offs.
The Reports GET Aging API method returns the same results as Aging of Accounts Receivable (A/R) Report in Open Dental. From its manual page:
W/O Est (InsWOEst in API method): The insurance write-off estimate amount based on the procedures attached to the claim. Only shows if Age write-off estimates is unchecked and there are still unreceived write-off estimates as of the report date.
Ins Est (InsPayEst in API method): The total estimated insurance payment amount. This is the sum of all claims for the individual or family.

Patient: The estimated patient portion.
When Age write-off estimates is unchecked this is calculated by Total - Ins Est - W/O Est = Patient.

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Re: New API Request for all patients aging balance

Post by shripati.ukirde » Tue Nov 21, 2023 12:13 am

Hello SLeon

Thanks for information.

Currently we are using endpoint Accountmodules GET Aging
We need to get aging for multiple patients so could you please create new to update existing endpoint to allow to calculate for multiple patients?

Posts: 521
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Re: New API Request for all patients aging balance

Post by SLeon » Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:57 am

Good morning,

The query ran in AccountModules GET Aging is large, complex, and takes longer to execute than most of our other endpoints for this reason. We limit this endpoint to a single patient for three reasons:
  1. Because this query takes longer to execute, calling it for multiple patients in a single API request might result in a timeout of the request.
  2. Repeated large queries could negatively impact the performance of the dental office and their ability to use their database.
  3. This is only ran for a single patient within Open Dental. The API uses this exact query.
We recommend calling this method for each individual patient for which you need this information.

Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2022 4:24 am

Re: New API Request for all patients aging balance

Post by shripati.ukirde » Wed Nov 22, 2023 9:29 pm

Hello SLeon

Thanks for clarifications.

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