TreatPlans POST

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TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Thu Jun 29, 2023 7:08 am

We do not see a TreatPlans POST mehtod where we can create a Treatment plan and attach procedure codes

Can TreatPlans POST please be added with same values TreatPlans GET to include marking the treatment plan as signed.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by SLeon » Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:45 am

Good morning,

We will add TreatPlans POST to our development list. The design will be to allow you to create an Active or Inactive treatment plan without procedures. Then, we will also develop TreatPlanAttaches POST so you can add the procedures to the above (or any other) treatment plan.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Thu Jun 29, 2023 12:00 pm

Any timeframe on estimated completion? We we looking at months?

We just now realized that a post method didn't exist.

Looking forward to feedback.

Thank you API Team


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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by SLeon » Thu Jun 29, 2023 12:06 pm

API feature requests are started in the order in which they are received. We currently have roughly two dozen requests ahead of this one. I would estimate somewhere in the 6-8 week range. These two methods will be developed together and released at the same time to make sure you can fully utilize this as soon as possible.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Thu Jun 29, 2023 12:27 pm

Out of the the dozen that are in the pipeline do any of those happen to be TreatmentPlan Post and reatPlanAttaches POST?

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by SLeon » Thu Jun 29, 2023 1:32 pm

To clarify, I mean that there are roughly two dozen requests before these two (TreatPlans POST and TreatPlanAttaches POST) in line. Therefore we will start developing TreatPlans POST and TreatPlanAttaches POST after we've started/completed the other ~24 feature requests.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Fri Jul 07, 2023 1:01 pm

Do we also need a PUT method as we would also need the below capabilities

1. Create Treatment Plan
2. Attach Procedure Codes to Treatment Plan
3. Save Treatment Plan
4. Mark Treatment plan As signed.

Thank you so much API TEAM!!!!

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by SLeon » Tue Jul 11, 2023 8:41 am

Good morning Pedro,

We are planning to provide API methods to support your entire workflow!

1. Create Treatment Plan - TreatPlans POST will allow you to do this.

2. Attach Procedure Codes to Treatment Plan. TreatPlanAttaches POST will allow you to do this for both "Active" and "Inactive" treatment plans. It is a linker table used to attach procedures to treatment plans. We will also create a TreatPlanAttaches PUT so you can easily change the priority of the procedures on the treatment plan.

3. Save Treatment Plan. We are developing this workflow in such a way that you can first create the plan and then attach the procedures using the above methods. Do you also need to create "Saved" treatment plans?

4. Mark Treatment plan As signed. We are investigating how we can support signatures for treatment plans (and other items in Open Dental).

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Tue Jul 11, 2023 8:54 am


Heres the latest feedback

1. Create Treatment Plan - TreatPlans POST will allow you to do this.
response > Yes that would be great!

2. Attach Procedure Codes to Treatment Plan. TreatPlanAttaches POST will allow you to do this for both "Active" and "Inactive" treatment plans. It is a linker table used to attach procedures to treatment plans. We will also create a TreatPlanAttaches PUT so you can easily change the priority of the procedures on the treatment plan.
response> Perfect!

3. Save Treatment Plan. We are developing this workflow in such a way that you can first create the plan and then attach the procedures using the above methods. Do you also need to create "Saved" treatment plans?

response > Yes from reading on the Open Dental documentation it states the following > Saved document, only displays when the TP has been signed and saved as a TP.

4. Mark Treatment plan As signed. We are investigating how we can support signatures for treatment plans (and other items in Open Dental).
>Yes agreed, after its digitally signed on our end we just need to mark the TP as signed via API call.

Thank you API Team!

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by SLeon » Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:31 am

Re #3 - Save Treatment Plan:

I have added creating "Saved" treatment plans to your existing request. We will work on all of these in tandem to make sure they support your workflow. I will update this thread (soon) when I have more information for you on signatures.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:10 pm

Hello API Team,

Just checking in, are there any updates.

Thank you so much

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by SLeon » Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:15 pm

Good afternoon Pedro,

No update on this feature request yet, development will start on it soon.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by JTS » Mon Aug 28, 2023 8:43 am

One of the feature requests, TreatPlans POST, has been completed.
With this method, you can create an inactive treatment plan for a patient via the API. For more information, see

This method is available as of beta version 23.2.13.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Tue Aug 29, 2023 11:00 am

Hello API Team

Thank you so much! So the remaining methods that are apart of this request are still on progress is that correct?

1. Create Treatment Plan - TreatPlans POST - Done

2. Attach Procedure Codes to Treatment Plan. TreatPlanAttaches POST will allow you to do this for both "Active" and "Inactive" treatment plans. It is a linker table used to attach procedures to treatment plans. We will also create a TreatPlanAttaches PUT so you can easily change the priority of the procedures on the treatment plan.
response> Perfect!

3. Save Treatment Plan. We are developing this workflow in such a way that you can first create the plan and then attach the procedures using the above methods. Do you also need to create "Saved" treatment plans?

response > Yes from reading on the Open Dental documentation it states the following > Saved document, only displays when the TP has been signed and saved as a TP.

4. Mark Treatment plan As signed. We are investigating how we can support signatures for treatment plans (and other items in Open Dental).
>Yes agreed, after its digitally signed on our end we just need to mark the TP as signed via API call.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Wed Sep 06, 2023 7:35 pm

Hello API Team,

Is this in progress? We see the the first item is completed post treatment.

Thank you so much!

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by SLeon » Wed Sep 06, 2023 9:41 pm

Yes. The remaining feature requests are still on our development list. TreatPlanAttaches PUT and POST methods are in the final stages of development.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Mon Sep 18, 2023 9:24 am

Hello API team,

TreatPlans POST (create), we see there isnt a field for "Presenter". Can TreatPlans POST (create) be updated to include Presenter.

PatNum: Required.
Heading: Optional. Default "Inactive Treatment Plan".
Note: Optional. Defaults to the TreatmentPlanNote preference.
TPType: Optional. Either "Insurance" or "Discount". If the patient is subscribed to a Discount Plan, this will default to "Discount". Otherwise, defaults to "Insurance".

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by SLeon » Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:09 am

Good morning,

The "Presenter" in Open Dental is from the UserNumPresenter field in the TreatPlan table. This can only be set on Saved treatment plans. We will add this field to the API method being developed to create Saved treatment plans.

Here is an update on our progress for your Treatment Plan feature requests:

1. TreatPlans POST for Inactive and Active treatment plans was completed in version 23.2.13.

2. TreatPlanAttaches POST and PUT are now complete and available starting in version 23.2.17. These methods allow you to add TP procedures to Inactive and Active treatment plans (whether created via the API or not).

3. Creating Saved treatments plan is currently in development. We will add UserNumPresenter to this method for you.

4. Signing Saved treatment plans will be looked into next.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:37 am

Hello API Team,

We believe we have found a bug with the TreatPlanAttaches GET. We notice when we do a GET "active" TreatPlanAttaches we do not get procedure cost details(fee amount, fees allowed, prim ins amount, sec ins amount, patient amount and discount. When we use the GET TreatPlanAttaches with a status of "Saved" we then receive all the above items that are not being returned for "active"

TreatPlanAttaches GET
Version Added: 22.4.16

Gets a list of treatplanattaches associated to a specified treatplan. Use TreatPlans GET to find the TreatPlanNum of an existing treatplan.

TreatPlanNum: Required in the URL. FK to treatplan.TreatPlanNum.

Example Request:
GET /treatplanattaches?TreatPlanNum=1845

Example Response:
"TreatPlanAttachNum": 3211,
"TreatPlanNum": 1845,
"ProcNum": 1977,

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by DerekR » Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:11 am

TreatPlanAttaches GET does not have any parameters. I believe you are referring to the TreatPlans GET that does allow the parameter's of "Active" and "Saved". However TreatPlans GET never returns any of the procedure cost details that you are describing. ProcTPs GET does return these fields as these objects are copies of procedures that are attached to Saved treatment plans.

For clarification a treatplan stores all treatment plans, including Active, Inactive, and Saved treatment plans. Active and Inactive treatment plans use treatplanattach to reference attached procedures. As procedures are set complete, they get removed from active and inactive treatment plans. Saved treatment plans use proctp, which are copies of the procedure, and will not change after being saved.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:35 pm

Hello API Team,

For the saved treatment plan were using ProcTPs API call which gives us all the details of the procedure code

But in the case of an Active treatment plan, were using the Treatplanattaches API call and it does not return procedure code details, please view the screenshots attached

Requirement -
1) Tooth range is not returned by ProcTPs API, which is required to create a procedure log to attach to the treatment plan
2) Get procedure code details through ProcTPs API call for an active treatment plan or add the details to Treatplanattaches API call

Thank you so much Open Dental API team. Please let us your feedback many thanks.
ProcedureLogsPost.jpg (199.8 KiB) Viewed 18221 times

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by DerekR » Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:52 am

Good morning PBECKER,

TreatPlanAttaches GET returns a list of treatplanattaches for a single treatplan with a TPStatus of "Active" or "Inactive" only. The treatplanattach table is a linker table. If you require the procedure data, you will need to use the ProcNum from the treatplanattach to then obtain the procedure. We already have on our development list a new method, ProcedureLogs GET (single), which will assist with this workflow. Please reference this forum post for notification of that methods progress.

ProcTPs GET returns proctps, which are copies of procedures that are attached to saved treatment plans. ProcTPs are created from existing procedurelogs only for saved treatplans as a way to "price lock" those procedures so that they will not change once the patient agrees and signs the treatplan.

See Treatment Plan Module, Edit Treatment Plan, and Sign Treatment Plan for more information.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Wed Sep 27, 2023 6:45 am

API Team

while attempting a POST procedure logs were receiving a response back that "A Surf is required for the procedure code's treatment area" and some procedure codes were receiving a response back that response "A tooth range is required for the procedure code's treatment area"

Where can we find a reference for the above items.

Thank you to the worlds great PMS team.


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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by JTS » Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:20 am

Good morning,

Different Procedure Codes may have separate requirements for the Surf, ToothNum, and ToothRange fields. ProcedureLogs POST will either require or disallow these fields depending on the "TreatArea" field of the passed in Procedure Code. This field can be seen as part of ProcedureCodes GET.

For more information on which treatment area fields (Surf, ToothNum, ToothRange) to pass in alongside the supplied ProcCode while using ProcedureLogs POST, refer to the Treatment Area section of ... eedit.html

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:08 am

Hello API Team,

Can you please review the below and advise. Thank you so much API Team.

1. TreatPlans POST for Inactive and Active treatment plans was completed in version 23.2.13. - Completed

2. TreatPlanAttaches POST and PUT are now complete and available starting in version 23.2.17. These methods allow you to add TP procedures to Inactive and Active treatment plans (whether created via the API or not). - Completed

3. Creating Saved treatments plan is currently in development. We will add UserNumPresenter to this method for you. - In Progress

4. Signing Saved treatment plans will be looked into next. - In Progress

5. On seperate forum thread > ProcTPs DELETE, would delete the ProcTP entry in any TP that is not "signed" - In Progress

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by JTS » Mon Oct 09, 2023 9:05 am

One of the feature requests, TreatPlans POST Saved, has been completed.
This method allows you to create a saved treatment plan for a patient via the API, and includes the ability to assign a presenter. For more information, see

This method is available as of beta version 23.2.22.
Requests #4 and #5 are still in progress.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:34 pm

any update on the pending items?

Thank for you innovating @OpenDental API Team

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by DerekR » Wed Nov 22, 2023 3:31 pm

One of the feature requests, ProcTPs DELETE, has been completed.
This method allows you to delete a proctp associated with a saved treatment plan for a patient via the API. For more information, see

This method is available as of beta version 23.3.10.
Request #4 is still in progress.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Wed Dec 13, 2023 11:17 am

any update on the last API method?

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by justine » Wed Dec 13, 2023 1:52 pm

PBECKER wrote:
Wed Dec 13, 2023 11:17 am
any update on the last API method?

Signing a TreatPlan via OD API is complex. We are in the process of researching exactly the best way to implement this for all OD API developers and Open Dental itself. We will update this thread soon.


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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Mon Jan 08, 2024 2:09 pm

Is there any update on the last item (remove proc code) from TP? This request started back in june of last year. we understand the request takes times but were wondering how much longer should we be anticipating?

Thank you

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by SLeon » Wed Jan 10, 2024 9:40 am

Good morning,

Yes, you can delete proccodes from a treatment plan (called ProcTPs in our schema) using the ProcTPs DELETE endpoint. This was completed in November and is available in versions 23.3.10 and later.
DerekR wrote:
Wed Nov 22, 2023 3:31 pm
One of the feature requests, ProcTPs DELETE, has been completed.
This method allows you to delete a proctp associated with a saved treatment plan for a patient via the API. For more information, see

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Wed Jan 10, 2024 9:43 am

apologies on the miscommunication on our end.

we meant to inquire on the last item that was remaining - Mark TP as marked with the "X" as for TP signed. Note* For the capturing the actual physical signagure we got that covered on our end. All were needing is to mark the TP as where which show "X" when signed.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by DerekR » Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:53 am

Good Morning,

The last item, marking a treatplan as "signed", is nearing the final stages of development. I would estimate it will be completed within 2-3 weeks. We will update this thread once it is complete.


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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Thu Jan 25, 2024 11:09 am

Thank you so much Derek, greatly appreciated.

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by PBECKER » Wed Feb 21, 2024 9:54 am

Hello is there any update on the last item?

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Re: TreatPlans POST

Post by DerekR » Wed Mar 20, 2024 8:04 am

The last feature request, to sign a saved treatment plan, has been completed.
TreatPlans PUT (update) allows you to sign a treatplan for both the patient and the practice.
For more information, see

This method is available as of beta version 24.1.10.

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