Detailed aging balance

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Detailed aging balance

Post by saskia » Tue Aug 29, 2023 12:48 pm

We're looking to pull the aging balance along with the detailed breakdown of what goes into the balance in order to send statements to all patients that have an open balance over 30, 60 or 90 days. Ideally we'd like to simply request this data for all patients with an open balance, but I don't think I can see what we're looking for in the existing API. I can see AccountModules GET Aging, but that's lacking both the breakdown and also requires us to pass in a patient ID. There's also AccountModules GET ServiceDateView which has a breakdown, but I think that shows everything which would certainly be overwhelming to the end user to see what they're currently be charged for (and again, requires us to pass a patient ID).

Is there something I'm overlooking or is this a feature request?


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Re: Detailed aging balance

Post by SLeon » Tue Aug 29, 2023 1:35 pm

You can use the existing Reports GET Aging to get the aging data for all the patients. You could form a list of patnums from those patients with a balance, and then run each one through the AccountModules GET ServiceDateView.

Because the AccountModules GET ServiceDateView queries so much data (from tables ProcedureLog, Adjustment, PaySplit, PayPlan, PayplanCharge, Claimproc, etc) it is not possible to get a breakdown for beyond an individual/their family.

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Re: Detailed aging balance

Post by saskia » Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:36 pm

Thanks! We're only looking for the aging balance and from what I can see, the GET ServiceDateView gives us absolutely everything, not just what is due (ie 'all transactions since zero or negative balance' from the Billing section in OD). Basically we're looking for far less data than GET ServiceDateView provides. Hoping there's something more efficient (to help all parties' processing powers!)

Posts: 53
Joined: Tue Apr 04, 2023 8:31 am

Re: Detailed aging balance

Post by saskia » Thu Aug 31, 2023 7:41 am

Would it be possible to add this as a feature request? We're really just after the data that's in the Billing file that can be generated from OpenDental directly.


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Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:00 am

Re: Detailed aging balance

Post by SLeon » Thu Aug 31, 2023 11:51 am

The API cannot run the mass Billing list logic performed in Open Dental. Our web manual indicates that the Billing/Finance Charges or Repeating Charges tools need to be ran prior to Billing. It is extremely database intensive the point that the OpenDentalService can be set to run this after hours, as to not impact the dental office. Even on moderately sized databases, such logic would exceed the timeout threshold for API requests. Furthermore, this would only provide a list of patients for which you would need to create statements for, and not return the statements themselves.

The easiest way for you to create statements that contain less information than AccountModules GET ServiceDateView would be to call that method and remove what you do not need. Another option I would recommend is using Queries PUT ShortQuery to assemble exactly what information you want to provide in your application's statements.

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