Advanced features- what are your favorites?

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Advanced features- what are your favorites?

Post by gsjones » Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:28 pm

We've been using Open dental for several years, and like most users- we absolutely love it. However, I know we are not fully using it to it's potential. I'm curious as to what the more experienced users are thrilled about? What type of reports, sheets, add-ons, etc. do you simply LOVE, that might be beyond the novice user? I don't expect you to necessarily link them here, I'll find them. I'm hoping to avoid scrolling thru hundreds of pages of posts looking for gems. Thank you in advance.


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Re: Advanced features- what are your favorites?

Post by rhaber123 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:54 am

All forms of communications with the patients: text messaging, online scheduling, online forms, secured emails, calling a patient with just one click, etc...

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Re: Advanced features- what are your favorites?

Post by bpcomp » Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:52 am

We have all our main referrals as sheets. We can print a referral to Dr Badgums on their referral slip, and it's saved in the patient's chart. No need to scan it in.

We use the patient portal to send secure communications to other offices. Make a patient for Dr Orthodude and send secure webmail every time we need to send them something. It's built in and doesn't cost us anything.

We enabled text messaging and over half of our patient reminders are a simple click and done.

Superfamilies are great for keeping track of that family where there are 3 adult females and 2 adult males and 10 kids and knowing who belongs to whom and where to bill.

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Re: Advanced features- what are your favorites?

Post by JoeMontano » Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:02 pm

ERA processing in 17.4 and 18.1 is a very powerful and can save you loads of time when processing insurance payments.
I might be biased though...
Joe Montaño
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Re: Advanced features- what are your favorites?

Post by stjames70 » Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:26 pm

Try YAPI. It is a third party interface that works with OD. It does a few things:

1) scour your database for overdue trophies/recalls

2) send email/text reminders as well as the ability to print those on postcards

3) provide links for new patients to enter their data (and transpose that data into OD)

4) interface with an iPad so patients can sign consents, view treatment plans and approve them, and using the iPad's camera to send images directly to the images folder of the patient

5) provide a nice console in each computer so you can see which patients are checked in, how long they have been waiting, which operatory they are in, and the status of their check out process so you can monitor/control patient flow from any computer

I know OD can do a lot of the said functions, but it just wasn't very robust or intuitive. Yapi on the other hand is. The program's ability to scour OD's SQL database for recall patients is justification enough for its cost to us. It sends an email asking the patient to call us ASAP for a recall. We have been getting a lot of calls lately and that is a great feature. Again, if you have an office manager, you can probably generate those recalls or have it pop up from OD, but our front staff reads and functions at a 6th grade level, so no go on that. Yapi is basically a robot which will automate and streamline a lot of functions for you.

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Re: Advanced features- what are your favorites?

Post by jsalmon » Fri Feb 16, 2018 9:07 am

I always enjoy seeing the graphical reports in action which doesn't happen that often so it might just need a little bit of promotion.
The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.

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Re: Advanced features- what are your favorites?

Post by bpcomp » Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:26 pm

I'll throw in a shout out for the built in wiki. We use it for documenting all kinds of things.

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