Recent Feature Requests

For requests or help with our API
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Recent Feature Requests

Post by SLeon » Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:11 am

A couple developers have recently emailed us with API feature requests. The API forums are the best place for these, so I am posting them here for visibility.

1. Computers GET - This method will return the machine names of the workstations and devices that connect to Open Dental at the dental office. This list can be used to help determine a Workstation name when making Subscriptions. It is important to note, however, entries in this table are mutable in Open Dental as described in our schema. This method will be available in version 23.1.30 with its documentation found here.

2. Sheets POST - Creates a sheet using an existing SheetDef. Only select SheetDef types will be supported at this time, but more can be added upon request. Development on this is nearing completion.

3. SheetDefs GET - Will return a list of SheetDefs. Development will begin on this method soon, and those wanting to use the above Sheets POST can obtain ShetDefNums via query in the (short) meantime.

4. PerioExams POST - Allows for the creation of periodontal exams for a patient. This is available in version 23.1.20.

5. ApiEvents - Changing Appointment, Patient, and PatField objects in event payloads to also include when the row was first inserted in the database. This will give developers the ability to discern if an appointment they receive has just been created or updated. The relevant API methods (Appointments GET, Patients GET, and PatFields GET) will also include this new date field (appointment.SecDateTEntry, patient.SecDateEntry, and patfield.SecDateEntry). Development on this is nearing completion.

6. SecurityLogs GET - Will return a list of securitylog entries ("Audit Trail" in the UI). Only rows made by the API Developer are returned. Development will begin on this method next week.

7. Add Tooth Numbers to Documents POST Upload and UploadSftp methods. Development will start on this enhancement soon.

8. Add FamFinUrgNote field to patients GET, PUT, and POST. Development will start in the next couple weeks.

We will update this thread as the above feature requests are completed.

Posts: 499
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:00 am

Re: Recent Feature Requests

Post by SLeon » Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:12 am

We have complete one of the above feature requests.

1. Previously completed.
2. Sheets POST has been completed. It is available now in version 23.1.32.
3. In Development.
4. Previously completed.
5-8. In Development.

Posts: 499
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:00 am

Re: Recent Feature Requests

Post by SLeon » Tue Aug 01, 2023 2:38 pm

We have completed two of the above feature requests.

1-2. Previously completed.
3. In Development.
4. Previously completed.
5. In Development.
6. SecurityLogs GET is complete and is available in versions 23.1.33 and later.
7. The ToothNumbers enhancement to the Documents resource is complete and available starting in version 23.1.35.
8. In Development.

Posts: 499
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:00 am

Re: Recent Feature Requests

Post by SLeon » Wed Aug 09, 2023 1:30 pm

We have completed the last feature requests in this thread.

1-2. Previously completed.
3. SheetDefs GET is complete. This method returns a list of sheetdefs, which can be utilized in our Sheets POST method. This available now in version 23.2.5.
4. Previously completed.
5. ApiEvents now include when that object was inserted into the database. Appointment events will now include the SecDateTEntry field, Patient the SecDateEntry field, and PatField the SecDateEntry field. Similarly, the return objects in the following methods will also include the new fields: Appointments GET (single and multiple), Appointments GET ASAP, Patients GET (single), Patients GET Simple, and PatFields GET (single and multiple). This enhancement is available now in version 23.2.5.
6-7. Previously completed.
8. The FamFinUrgNote field has been added to Patients GET (single), GET Simple, POST, and PUT methods. This text can only be set on patients who are guarantors. This is available now in version 23.2.5.

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